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Kubernetes 集群中 flannel 因网卡名启动失败问题
1. 问题
我的环境是使用 kubeadm 安装的 kubernetes1.11,flannel 网络。今天新加入一节点到 k8s 中,发现新节点的守护容器 kube-flannel-ds 启动失败。
到该节点中使用docker logs xxxxx
I0815 00:25:37.646559 1 main.go:201] Could not find valid interface matching ens32: error looking up interface ens32: route ip+net: no such network interface
E0815 00:25:37.646628 1 main.go:225] Failed to find interface to use that matches the interfaces and/or regexes provided
2. 解决过程
因为是 flannel 容器报错,那就找到创建 flannel 网络时使用的 yaml 配置,发现如下段的影响:
- name: kube-flannel
image: registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/gcr-k8s/flannel:v0.10.0-amd64
- /opt/bin/flanneld
- --ip-masq
- --kube-subnet-mgr
- --iface=ens32
上面只有名为 ens32 的网卡名才支持。因为我新节点网卡名为 eth0,所以怎么才能兼容各种网卡名呢?上面显示这个是由命令flanneld
控制的,那就进入正常的 kube-flannel-ds 容器,查看命令帮助。
/opt/bin/flanneld --help
Usage: /opt/bin/flanneld [OPTION]...
-etcd-cafile string
SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication
-etcd-certfile string
SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication
-etcd-endpoints string
a comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints (default ",")
-etcd-keyfile string
SSL key file used to secure etcd communication
-etcd-password string
password for BasicAuth to etcd
-etcd-prefix string
etcd prefix (default "/coreos.com/network")
-etcd-username string
username for BasicAuth to etcd
-healthz-ip string
the IP address for healthz server to listen (default "")
-healthz-port int
the port for healthz server to listen(0 to disable)
-iface value
interface to use (IP or name) for inter-host communication. Can be specified multiple times to check each option in order. Returns the first match found.
-iface-regex value
regex expression to match the first interface to use (IP or name) for inter-host communication. Can be specified multiple times to check each regex in order. Returns the first match found. Regexes are checked after specific interfaces specified by the iface option have already been checked.
setup IP masquerade rule for traffic destined outside of overlay network
-kube-api-url string
Kubernetes API server URL. Does not need to be specified if flannel is running in a pod.
contact the Kubernetes API for subnet assignment instead of etcd.
-kubeconfig-file string
kubeconfig file location. Does not need to be specified if flannel is running in a pod.
-log_backtrace_at value
when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-public-ip string
IP accessible by other nodes for inter-host communication
-subnet-file string
filename where env variables (subnet, MTU, ... ) will be written to (default "/run/flannel/subnet.env")
-subnet-lease-renew-margin int
subnet lease renewal margin, in minutes, ranging from 1 to 1439 (default 60)
-v value
log level for V logs
print version and exit
-vmodule value
comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
我们可以看到,-iface value
和-iface-regex value
可以指定网卡。为了兼容 2 种网卡 yaml 配置中这段我修改成了
- name: kube-flannel
image: registry.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/gcr-k8s/flannel:v0.10.0-amd64
- /opt/bin/flanneld
- --ip-masq
- --kube-subnet-mgr
- --iface=ens32
- --iface=eth0
#- --iface-regex=eth*|ens*
问题解决。如果有多网卡网络,flannel 最好是指定通信网卡,越精确越好,否则不指定它则使用默认路由的网卡通信。
参考资料: [1] https://coreos.com/flannel/docs/latest/flannel-config.html